
Top 1  Introduction To Bayesian Inference

author: Christopher Bishop, Microsoft Research
published: Nov. 2, 2009,   recorded: August 2009,   views: 50080

Top 2 Introduction to Machine Learning

author: Katherine A. Heller, Department of Statistical Science, Duke University
published: Oct. 11, 2018,   recorded: July 2018,   views: 2747

Top 3 Markov Chain Monte Carlo

author: Iain Murray, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
published: Nov. 2, 2009,   recorded: August 2009,   views: 44488

Top 4 Topic Models

author: David Blei, Computer Science Department, Princeton University
published: Nov. 2, 2009,   recorded: September 2009,   views: 42759

Top 5 A tutorial on Deep Learning

author: Geoffrey E. Hinton, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
published: Sept. 15, 2009,   recorded: July 2009,   views: 36581

Top 6 Introduction to Machine Learning

author: Pascal Vincent, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal
published: Sept. 13, 2015,   recorded: August 2015,   views: 13608

Top 7 Deep Reinforcement Learning

author: David Silver, Department of Computer Science, University College London
published: July 28, 2015,   recorded: June 2015,   views: 13792

Top 8 Machine Learning, Probability and Graphical Models

author: Sam Roweis
published: Feb. 25, 2007,   recorded: July 2006,   views: 43799

Top 9 Gaussian Process Basics

author: David MacKay, University of Cambridge
published: Feb. 25, 2007,   recorded: June 2006,   views: 43443

Top 10 Introduction to Information Theory

author: David MacKay, University of Cambridge
produced by: David MacKay (University of Cambridge)
author: David MacKay, University of Cambridge
published: Nov. 5, 2012,   recorded: February 2012,   views: 22935

Top 11 Deep Learning:Theoretical Motivations

author: Yoshua Bengio, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal
published: Sept. 13, 2015,   recorded: August 2015,   views: 11069

Top 12 Support Vector Machines

author: Chih-Jen Lin, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
published: Feb. 25, 2007,   recorded: July 2006,   views: 34676

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